Friday May 24, 2024
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM PDT
Friday, May 24, 5-8pm
Center for Rural Livelihoods, 80574 Hazelton Rd, CG 97424
Jo Rodgers, Lane County Public Health Emergency Preparedness
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For Cottage Grove community members, organizations, agencies: Before the details melt away, let’s learn from one another’s experience of the January Ice Storm. Those lessons will help better prepare us for future disruptions and ensure everyone’s wellbeing. Join us for an engaging discussion and workshop led by Ana-Marie Jones, a nationally-known preparedness trainer who was inducted into the Hall of Fame for “Women in Emergency Management and Homeland Security” for her innovations with engaging diverse communities. Based in Oakland, CA, Ana-Marie is in Oregon this month to present at the Oregon Resiliency Summit and we asked her to extend her stay so that she could spend some time with us here in Lane County—specifically Cottage Grove! We will share food and discussion in the cozy gathering space at the Center for Rural Livelihoods. This is FREE and open to all. Please RSVP to or use the QRL code on the flyer. Spanish option.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
836 E. Main Street, Cottage Grove, OR 97424 – (541) 942-2411 –